Thursday, August 5, 2010

Butterfly Cake

I hardly ever do tutorials, I guess it's simply my laziness. So I thought I would share a fun and easy birthday cake decorated as a butterfly. I was originally trained "The Wilton Way", don't get me wrong I like aspects of the Wilton way but there is a whole world out there when it comes to cake decorating. I value the skills I was taught and taught others but I love thinking outside the box and "TRYING" new ways.

Step 1
Find a picture of a butterfly with wings shaped the way you like and that would make a great cake outline. I used an actual pic of a decorated cake (get it here)

I love the design and shape of this cake, so I based mine on it.

Step 2
I baked one large sheet cake and cut it out visually using the picture of the butterfly.
No measuring, just eyeballing it. Cut a LIGHT outline into top of cake. Then asses what needs to change and adjust.  


Using a serrated knife trim cake into desired shape. Remember you can always cut more but you can never go back.

Option 2
Print an exact size butterfly shape, cut out and trace directly onto cake using food coloring pens (can be purchased in cake supply store or craft store.) 

Option 3
Go and get yourself a butterfly pan! Can you say Wilton way, if you are nervous this is thee easiest way out there.

Step 3
Ice entire cake with a white butter cream frosting. I did not do a thourough enough job and can see my small mistakes. take your time and ice it as evenly as possible.

I mixed 4 colors pink, purple, fuchsia, and green for the grass. Choose your colors and mix as desired. I measured 1 1/2 cups to 2 cups of each color. The worst thing you can do is run out of a specific colored icing, it's a nightmare. So be happy when you have extra, it varies between pressure.

Now plan your layout. Fill a pastry bag fitted with a coupler and a small round tip (Wilton 6-8) with the color you choose to outline (purple for me.) I free hand the outline starting with the oval shape body. Then work out  to the wings. You can always scrape and try again, frosting is so easy to work with!
Now you should have a pattern and design to fill in.

Now for a super clean look I pipe lots of stars.I just love the final product, so tidy.
Using a 18 open star tip (17 or 19 also work)  pipe directly up and down along the outline.
Essentially outlining in stars.
Here is the good news, Wilton has a triple star tip. Buy it right now it will save you time and energy. Tip 2010 and here is some great tips on how to use it. It does not fit on a coupler so just drop it in the bag also I always have to wipe the tip clean to ensure even stars. Seriously love it! I use this for filling in works like a charm.

So we are just piping over and over and over. At this point I always wonder why I do it, but I quickly remember the joy it brings me and my children. they live for homemade birthday cakes and plan them months and even years in advance. This year I received a drawing of the exact butterfly cake colors and all! I do it for them for their joy and happiness and for memories!

K now you are so close to done you could cry! For the bottom border I used a grass tip and piped grass, hey it's what the 7 year old ordered! Tip 233 or 234

I also thought the pipe cleaners added a little whimsy to my angels cake.

Yippee now you have created a one of a kind amazing cake!


Weight Loss Goals said...

Very pretty butterfly cake. What little girl wouldn't love it.

Laura (Recetas Trucos y Tips) said...

I love that hat cake:)

very good!

saludos desde EspaƱa