I know I know I know... I have not posted a recipe for quite a long time. Let me tell you why. Normally I post the best things I have ever created or have cooked. Well in my quest to become healthier and attain my goals I have not posted something sinful in a while.
First off I have been on a lifestyle some may call it a diet but it is most certainly not! I have been eating super healthy 90% to 95% of the time for the past year. In fact most of my core meals are nutritious but nothing fancy or indulgent. When I do post it is because I have given myself the gift of a free meal/dessert. I know how boring that sounds. But what in the heck is the point of working out 2 hours a day and not eating healthy? I really now feel like food is fuel for the body and it must be used so.
This week I have felt amazing the first day I craved sugar, but now I do not! HOLLA! I have more energy to get me through every day. And my headaches ( I suffer w Migraines they are the LAMEST!) have been super minimal, down at least 80%! I am trilled and excited to feel and see what the future brings. I am blessed to have a husband on board, he is excited! And kids who have grown up on vegetables and whole grains. So as long as I work hard creating great food I really know we are in this for life!
So for the next bit I will post delicious flavorful nutritious food! GASP, and hopefully I will not post any thing else haha. I have begun eating clean, which has followed many of the same principle I have already been apart of my nutrition for years. But there is some aspects which are super foreign. No dairy, NO SUGAR!, little to no meat! . Here is the good news Fruits, Vegtables, Whole Grains, Honey Agave Maple Syrup Mollases are our new sugars, Nuts and seeds, Olive oil, Soy or rice milk, Tofu, Tofu cheeses, Sea Salt, Natural juices. . I think my exceptions are going to be dark chocolate and egg whites for baking, We are eating clean it's called Acid Alkaline Diet as a result of a friend who has studied how food effects the body. She lost her mom of cancer and during the process set out to heal her mom through nutrition, The information she obtained and the studies are so insightful. Did you know there are foods that feed cancer and foods that starve cancer? Well I didn't. The whole program is based on many studies in cancer research. Here is the GREAT news. I am trying and testing out all sorts of recipes. Thus far one failed miserably, 3 have been good, and 2 might be posted as soon as I tweak them a little more. So stay tuned and I'll keep you up to date on my progress...
Also If you would like more info I would be happy to send you the research and articles pertaining to the Acid Alkaline Diet. Just leave me your email address if I do not all ready know you!
Best wishes
First off I have been on a lifestyle some may call it a diet but it is most certainly not! I have been eating super healthy 90% to 95% of the time for the past year. In fact most of my core meals are nutritious but nothing fancy or indulgent. When I do post it is because I have given myself the gift of a free meal/dessert. I know how boring that sounds. But what in the heck is the point of working out 2 hours a day and not eating healthy? I really now feel like food is fuel for the body and it must be used so.
This week I have felt amazing the first day I craved sugar, but now I do not! HOLLA! I have more energy to get me through every day. And my headaches ( I suffer w Migraines they are the LAMEST!) have been super minimal, down at least 80%! I am trilled and excited to feel and see what the future brings. I am blessed to have a husband on board, he is excited! And kids who have grown up on vegetables and whole grains. So as long as I work hard creating great food I really know we are in this for life!
So for the next bit I will post delicious flavorful nutritious food! GASP, and hopefully I will not post any thing else haha. I have begun eating clean, which has followed many of the same principle I have already been apart of my nutrition for years. But there is some aspects which are super foreign. No dairy, NO SUGAR!, little to no meat! . Here is the good news Fruits, Vegtables, Whole Grains, Honey Agave Maple Syrup Mollases are our new sugars, Nuts and seeds, Olive oil, Soy or rice milk, Tofu, Tofu cheeses, Sea Salt, Natural juices. . I think my exceptions are going to be dark chocolate and egg whites for baking, We are eating clean it's called Acid Alkaline Diet as a result of a friend who has studied how food effects the body. She lost her mom of cancer and during the process set out to heal her mom through nutrition, The information she obtained and the studies are so insightful. Did you know there are foods that feed cancer and foods that starve cancer? Well I didn't. The whole program is based on many studies in cancer research. Here is the GREAT news. I am trying and testing out all sorts of recipes. Thus far one failed miserably, 3 have been good, and 2 might be posted as soon as I tweak them a little more. So stay tuned and I'll keep you up to date on my progress...
Also If you would like more info I would be happy to send you the research and articles pertaining to the Acid Alkaline Diet. Just leave me your email address if I do not all ready know you!
Best wishes
I can't get the links to work. I'm interesting in seeing the research and what this is all about. Hope you guys are doing well!
Hi!! I have just started the ph diet because my 3-year old son has been having strange syntoms. I looove to bake and my baby loves bread and cakes. Do you have a resource or link of baking recipes or some guidelines that produce less acid in the body? I am not interested in a 100% alkaline diet, but a 70-80% and am willing to save the 20-30% for cakes and breads.
I really appreciate your help and will follow your blog.
White Flower Oil (embrocation.50webs.com) was introduced to me by my mother. During one of my headaches, she gave me this tiny bottle of oil and told me to massage it on my temples and forehead. Amazingly, it worked! Somehow the oil penetrates into the affected area and relieves the pain.
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